Running the semi-marathon to support a project founded by MOTIVATION Romania: "IMPACT" for institutionalized children with disabilities


Nicoleta Chicu Fundația Motivation România

37% Complete
370 RON
Sumă strânsă
1,000 RON

Motivation Romania has been providing support to children and youth with disabilities in Romania since 1995 and gave back freedom of movement and hope to over 18,000 children and adults with disabilities.

Their programs focus on social, educational and professional inclusion of persons with disabilities. Their services cover a wide range of needs of children and adults with disabilities, from appropriate equipment for different types of mobility disabilities, to physical rehabilitation and independent living training, by a multidisciplinary team including trainers who are wheelchair users themselves.

Their IMPACT project initiated in 2002 and has so far successfully transfered 37 children with severe disabilities from institutions and placement centers to family-type homes and provided support services to improve the quality of their lives.

I am supporting it by participating at the Bucharest Marathon taking place on the 15th of October 2017.

In order to help Motivation Romania continue the good work and support more children, I will be very grateful if you could contribute to this cause.

Giving is good for the spirit and changes us into better people. Help transform the world into a better place by making charitable giving a regular part of your life. It will be fun. It will be inspirational. You will laugh and you may cry. You will become a better person, and a passionate one at that. You will have a grateful, and peaceful heart. Be a giver, start today !

Recomandă-le prietenilor această campanie.

în beneficiul

Fundația Motivation Romania este o organizație nonguvernamentală, nonprofit, creată în 1995 pentru a veni în sprijinul copiilor și adulților cu dizabilități.


Fii Alături de Mine!

Nicoleta este la Fundația Motivation România din anul 2004. Aici a descoperit că îi place să picteze și să realizeze bijuterii artizanale. Și-a făcut mulți prieteni și participă la competiții sportive adaptate. 

EN: Nicoleta joined Motivation Romania Foundation in 2004. She found here that she enjoys painting and creating handmade jewels. She made lots of friends at Motivation and she frequently participates in adapted sports competitions. 

Raiffeisen Bank Bucharest International Marathon este organizat de Asociația Bucharest Running Club în parteneriat cu Federația Română de Atletism și Primaria Municipiului București.  Este cel mai mare eveniment de alergare din România, aflat la a 10-a ediție, iar anul acesta va fi pe 14-15 Octombrie, cu startul în Piața Constituției din București.  Probele de concurs sunt: - Cu


3 Donații

24 Aug 2017


20 RON
18 Aug 2017
150 RON
16 Aug 2017